The Bike is progressing.....slowly. I am now waiting on a few key parts ( like tyres and tubes) to arrive but this may not happen for a few days. In the meantime i have been enjoying the fine city of Regensburg.
Yesterday i made it to the botanic gardens. Being the plant geek that i am i figured i would see if there were any Aussies growing there. A bit of searching and i eventaully found one- a trusty bull rush growing in a display of waterplants
I also had another wander around the old town and went to the regensburg history musem which is housed in a disused church. It was very interesting though none of it was in English so i had to take a bit of a punt as to waht was going on. Regensburg has been a city since Roman times and in fact still has sections of the Roman Wall surounding the old town. It was also one of the few German cities to escape anihilation at the hands of the Allies in WWII- even though it had an aircraft factory nearby.
Can someone tell me that this picture doesn't bear a creepy resembelence to a certain well know terrorist????
Oh and everyone here rides bikes!!! This was the bike stand for one of the shopping centres- a pretty small one.
Last night i went to an outdoor cinema. A rather genours farmer had donated his barn and a good section of his barley crop to the exercise. The movie was a French one which had been overdubbed into German. This takes a bit of getting used to when you are used to seeing peoples lips move in time with thier speech. It was a comedy which was just as well as i dont think my barnyard german would have been up to a complex legal thriller.
In the next adventure..... to Paris by train!
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