Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Crazy Turkish road works

in this editıon. Companions. Tar. Food. To Georgia


I have had the pleasure of ten days or there abouts of company since leaving istanbul. Two English blokes who are heading more or less in the same direction as me for a while. It has taken some small adjustments as anyone who has been traveling on thier own for any length of time will understand. Mutipley the usual morning pissfart about by three and you will understand. That aside ıt has been nice to share the experience for a change. One is now heading south while the other will cycle a bit more with me till we are sick of each other.


The Turkish seem to have a little trouble with road construction. More to the point i seem to have trouble with turkish roads. Yesterday became an enforced rest day after rıdding 20km on a wet tar road. Me and everything outside of the bıg yellow bag ( Igor and Bob ( the bike and the trailer) ıncluded) was coated in sticky black tar. Turkish hosptitality however came to the rescue wıth a bloke even draining the petrol out of his chainsaw to come to our aid!

What a turkish road will do to a water bottle.....


I have started eating........lots. I can now quıte happily devour an entire turkish loaf a packet of cheese and a block of chocolate in one sitting. Something like a cross between a pregnant women and a sumo wrestler. Alas for those who are worrıed that i am becomimg morbidly obese i think the reverse is happening. While ı havent lost weight i havent gained any either. A good dose of some bad chicken hasnt helped either

To Georgia.

I am continuing along the black sea coast of Turkey. The ups and downs are pretty punishing but the views are for the most part making up for it. As ı wrıte i am in Inobulu and will head to Trabzon for a rest day. From there it will be a few more days and then into Geogia where i will have to start the great visa chase for the Stans.

1 comment:

  1. well done Emrys! It must be great to have some company just for a little while - enjoy it! What an adventure you're having - something you will remember all your life and tell your grandchildren! Eat up big, by the sounds of it you can afford all those calories - I doubt you'll gain any weight considering how much energy you're spending cycling up those hills. Stay safe, Jane
    PS I'm off to see your grandfather today, so I'll copy out your entry for him to read. He's well and keeping busy by the sounds of it.
