Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Music on the Road

The sun is up as i emerge from my tent. Although i am not claustrophic I am finding that i don't like to be in the tent with the door sealed up. Perhaps its my safety instinct kicking in and wanting to see whats coming, that or needing to get away from my own stench...

I am feeling rather unmotivated and it is a rather tawdry 9 oclock by the time i finally get the leg over and clip my feet into the cleats. My motivation doesnt really increase that much being on the bike and i deceide its time for some music therapy. I rummage in my bag for my trusty, non Ipoo'd, mp3 player. If i was any good at physics i would try to work out how it is that, no matter how carefully i wrap the headphones cable, it will ALWAYS be notted when i got to use it next. I try the balance myself on the bike as i untangle the cable.
Its finally in my ears and its time to pick a song.

First up is comes Tom Waits. While i am big fan of the guy, 'Rubys Arms' isn't prehaps the greatest song to get one motivated. 'Sorry Tom' i say as i hit the next button. The random function on my MP3 player isnt so random. I hit the next button as i get the Crash Test Dummies 'mmmmm' AGAIN. Not so kean on hearing about the boy who got into an accident and couldnt come to school! Redgum is next with 'The beumont Rag' i listen to John Schumans rant with a smile and remember that my friends parakeet could whistle the opening bars. I reminds me a bit too much of home so i skip again.

In my rush to get everything packed to leave for the trip i put my teach yourself Russian course in with all the other music. I scramble for the forward button as i hear the annoying guitar intro, 'lesson 4, lets speak Russian fast and fluently' 'Zavtra ( tommrrow)' I say as i fiddle with the player while trying not to swerve into the on coming traffic.

I finally settle on some 'Batterz'. I sing along to the words, '....son im afraid its much worse than that, your mother has turned into a spider' 'Your mother has turned into a spider' i harmonise i reply and realise that the nearby fruit seller is looking at me very strangly. I laugh as i try to get the speedo sitting above 20kms an hour.

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