The previous night i had made sure to back up some of the photos i had taken incase the serached my bag and camera. I had hardly had the chance to take any photos in the nuclear missle base before i was deported from so there i wasnt really too worried but who knows.
I has expected a similar type bag search to when i had arrived in the country 2 1/2 months earlier. The security gaurd had given up half way through as my gear smelt so bad. I hadn't washed in this time either.....
Some tooing and froing with his boss. " Can't we just let this dude go, he smells" i can hear the younger one saying. ( I had in fact showered that morning but my clothes, unfortunatly, didn't get the same treatment.
Bang, stamp. Goodybye. " Sweet" i say and roll out the other side.
I cruise down the hill to the Shed that is the Loas border crossing. I mill around for a bit ( like everyone else including the gaurds) waiting for the dude to come back from lunch. 10 mins, a piece of paper in my passport and $32 bucks later i am in Loas. I like this place aready. "muana" means fun in Lao and it has to be in everything if its to get done, bring it o n!
Power cable installation- Xinajiang Style
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