Wednesday 23 September 2009

A trip to Kazbegi

I emerge from the Tblisi nuclear shelter (otherwise known as the metro) into the Chaos of Didube bus station. An old man sees my pack and points " Kazbegi" he says. I follow his figner to where 30 busses witgh Georgian writing wait. I ask around and hopefully get on the right bus. A huge canvas bag is wedges under the back door to the bacl seat. The door slams and we are off..

I wince as the speed screen says 90km hr. We duck we weave we lay on the horn. I forget which side of the road we are meant to be on as we spend the same ammount of time on both. We pass a church and most of the bus crosses themselves. I wonder if i should be doing the same thing as we overtake into oncoming traffic.

The lack of a jesus bar means i have to grip the belt on my new pants to stay upright as we chicane thourgh the traffic. Eventually the traffic thinks . We begin the climb up the mountains. The road is pinned to the cliffs in some places but it doesnt seem a good enough reason to slow down! The driver spends most of his time driving one handed as he talks on the mobile phone.

We pass the high point in the range. The vista of the high Caucus mountains in front and behind me is amazing. The road is now gravel- a slight reduction in spped by i am now gripping the seat as we bump over and around Lada sized potholes. We stop to deliver various goods. Bread, Clothes, Children. We finally arrive at Kazbegi. I step outside and breath the chilly mountain air.....

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